First place in the Race Judicata t-shirt design competition has always been a goal of the Ankin Law team. This year, the goal was realized. The win was especially sweet after coming up short with a second place finish two years ago. The excitement was captured by the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin in their
Category: Ankin Law
Attorney Jill Wagner of Ankin Law LLC was recently nominated to the Chicago board of directors for the Workersu2019 Compensation Lawyers Association. Jillu2019s nomination is indicative of her commitment to workersu2019 compensation law in Illinois. u201cIu2019m very proud to be nominated, excited to serve, and look forward to giving back to the WCLA any way I can.u201du2013 Attorney
This year a record number of Ankin Law attorneys were honored with the Super Lawyer designation, a gold standard for excellence in the law community. Across the United States, only the top five percent of each state’s attorneys are selected to the Super Lawyers list. The rating service honors outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice
Did You Know?
- If you are injured at work you may be able to recover compensation through a workers’ compensation claim as well as by filing a personal injury claim against responsible third parties.
- A signed liability waiver may not be enough to bar your personal injury claim if willful acts or negligence caused your injuries.
- Some SSDI claims qualify for expedited processing, allowing claimants to obtain approval in a matter of days or weeks.
When the columnist who writes “The Forum” was looking for contributing workers compensation attorneys for a recent article he reached out to Scott Goldstein. Goldstein was happy to oblige and offered valuable insight to the issue of retaining experts for work injury cases. (Click here to read the column) The column features a forum of
After seeing an ad for a receptionist in the law bulletin, Trina Hobson sent her resume to Ankin Law. 45 minutes later, Howard Ankin called and they chatted. He asked her to come to the office that afternoon.The interview lasted for 90 minutes and he hired Trina on the spot. Clearly, Howard saw in Trina exactly
Howard Ankin appeared on the May 17, 2016 broadcast of the WGN Morning News program. Interviewer: Well I’m sure you recognize my friend, attorney Howard Ankin. Knowing a right injury lawyer for a car accident, work injury, the negligence of a bad doctor, or drug can change your life. Maybe you get hit in the scalp by a
Por: Howard Ankin Abogado de The Ankin LawCerca del 28 por ciento de los estadounidenses resultaru00e1n lesionados en el trabajo. Es importante conocer sus derechos si usted resulta lesionado en el trabajo, ya que el entender sus derechos legales puede ayudarle en su recuperaciu00f3n mu00e9dica y parar algunas de sus pu00e9rdidas financieras. Las siguientes preguntas
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Father-child lawyer teams savor closeness By John Flynn RooneyLaw Bulletin staff writer When Michelle M. Montgomery first brought a real estate law case to trial last year, her father, James D. Montgomery, served as her “second chair.” “He saved me,” she said of her father, a prominent veteran trial lawyer. Michelle,
If You Suffered Injuries:
- In an auto accident
- By Medical Malpractice
- In a workplace accident
- In any personal injury accident
Call: (312) 600-0000
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