What is FELA? The Federal Employers Liability Act offers important protections for railroad workers injured on the job. These workers in Chicago and elsewhere may be eligible for large amounts of compensation if they can show their employers were negligent. FELA is not the same as workers’ compensation, and FELA claims can be tricky. Experienced lawyers should be able to
Category: Workers’ Compensation
There are steps to take if you are injured while driving for work, including reporting the injury to an employer and law enforcement, seeking medical treatment, and opening a workers' compensation claim. Here, you'll learn more about what to do in the event of a work-related injury while driving.
Knowing what to do after an accident at work increases the chances of a successful workers’ compensation claim. Taking appropriate steps after a workplace accident in Chicago, Illinois, allows you to document the incident and compile adequate evidence to build a strong case. It also protects your health. These steps include reporting the incident to your employer, documenting the incident,
Did You Know?
- If you are injured at work you may be able to recover compensation through a workers’ compensation claim as well as by filing a personal injury claim against responsible third parties.
- A signed liability waiver may not be enough to bar your personal injury claim if willful acts or negligence caused your injuries.
- Some SSDI claims qualify for expedited processing, allowing claimants to obtain approval in a matter of days or weeks.
The sooner you report the injury, the better. Illinois has several laws regarding work-related injury reports, and it’s important to be aware of deadlines that may affect your claim and your right to recover compensation. Our workers' compensation attorneys can guide you through the accident reporting process and help ensure that you avoid common claims mistakes.
What is workers' compensation insurance, and how does it work? If you sustain an injury or illness as a result of a work-related incident or exposure, workers' compensation benefits will cover the cost of your medical treatment and a portion of your lost wages. The work injury lawyers at Ankin Law in Chicago can help you determine what kinds of
Under state workers’ compensation laws, employees who are injured at work are barred from suing their employers for compensation for their injuries. Workers are limited to the compensation that is available under the workers’ compensation system. If, however, a third-party shares responsibility for a work-related accident, the injured party may be able to bring a
Repetitive trauma injuries are known by many names including repetitive stress injuries, repetitive strain injuries, repetitive motion injuries, cumulative trauma disorders and regional musculoskeletal disorders among others. All of these terms describe the same type of condition. A repetitive trauma injury is one that is caused by the repetition of a specific action or task.
When most people think of workers’ compensation claims, they don’t think of office worker injuries. Because office workers typically sit at their desks throughout the day, they are perceived to be at very little risk of injury. Construction worker injuries are expected because working at a construction site seems dangerous. On the other hand, an office does not seem
Construction and mining, rubber manufacturing, agriculture, and forestry have the highest workplace cancer risk in Chicago, Illinois. The same risk applies to building demolition, firefighting, brake repair, asbestos milling, and naval service jobs.
If You Suffered Injuries:
- In an auto accident
- By Medical Malpractice
- In a workplace accident
- In any personal injury accident
Call: (312) 600-0000
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