Category: Ankin Law

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF 19(b) DECISION OF ARBITRATOR Case # _____________ Employee/Petitioner Employer/Respondent On 3/31/2011, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.17% shall accrue from the date listed above to the day

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF 19(b) DECISION OF ARBITRATOR ____________________ Case # _________________Employee/Petitioner ____________________Employer/Respondent On 3/4/2011, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed.If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.17% shall accrue from the date listed above to the day before

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF ARBITRATOR DECISION ____________________ Case #Employee/Petitioner ____________________Employer/Respondent On 12/28/2010, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Worker’s Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.22% shall accrue from the date listed above to the day before the date

Did You Know?
  • If you are injured at work you may be able to recover compensation through a workers’ compensation claim as well as by filing a personal injury claim against responsible third parties.
  • A signed liability waiver may not be enough to bar your personal injury claim if willful acts or negligence caused your injuries.
  • Some SSDI claims qualify for expedited processing, allowing claimants to obtain approval in a matter of days or weeks.

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF 19(b) DECISION OF ARBITRATOR Case # Employee/Petitioner Employer/Respondent On 5/4/2011, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed.If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.10% shall accrue from the date listed above to the day before the

STATE OF ILLINOIS  ))SSCOUNTY OF COOK    )x   Affirm and adopt___Injured Workers’ Benefit Fund (§4(d))___Affirm with changes___Rate Adjustment Fund (§8(g))___Reverse___Second Injury Fund (§8(e)18)___PTD/Fatal denied____Modifyx   None of the above BEFORE THE ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSION PetitionerVs.                                    NO:__________Respondent DECISION AND OPINION ON REVIEW Timely Petition for Review having been filed