Category: Ankin Law

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF 19(b) DECISION OF ARBITRATOR ______xxxxx_________________ Employee/Petitioner ________xxxxx______________ Employer/Respondent Case#”!.! On 7/2/2012, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.15% shall accrue from the date listed above to the

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF ARBITRATOR DECISION lY’tM!JLE’Nlii; ;2 tltl A Employee/Petitioner Case#1QIJQQ39i8il .MlM JAf41T8titiAL 8Efiil’/1Qiiiii Employer/Respondent On 8/3l/20 12, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.14% shall accrue from the date listed

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF ARBITRATOR DECISION MILLER, I(E’iEmployee/Petitioner Case# ‘1’”2 ‘I; IT – QQK GQII”‘T¥ “‘7 01 PECQPOSEmployer/Respondent On 8/30/2012, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.14%

Did You Know?
  • If you are injured at work you may be able to recover compensation through a workers’ compensation claim as well as by filing a personal injury claim against responsible third parties.
  • A signed liability waiver may not be enough to bar your personal injury claim if willful acts or negligence caused your injuries.
  • Some SSDI claims qualify for expedited processing, allowing claimants to obtain approval in a matter of days or weeks.

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF ARBITRATOR DECISION ______________________________ Case#Employee/Petitioner _______________________________Employer/Respondent On 5/3/2011, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.10% shall accrue from the date listed above to the day before the date of

STATE OF ILLINOIS    )) SS. COUNTY OF COOK        ) BEFORE THE ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSION             Petitioner,     vs.             Respondent. DECISION AND OPINION ON REVIEW This case comes before the Commission on Respondent’s timely review of the Section 19(b) Decision of Arbitration    finding that Petitioner sustained an accidental injury

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF 19(b) DECISION OF ARBITRATOR Case# Employee/PetitionerEmployer/Respondent On 12/2/2011, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.07% shall accrue from the date listed above to the day before the date

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF ARBITRATOR DECISION ____________________ Case # _________________Employee/Petitioner ____________________Employer/Respondent On 6/17/2011, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.10% shall accrue from the date listed above to the day before the

STATE OF ILLINOIS )Injured Workers’ Benefit Fund (§4(d)))SS. Rate Adjustment Fund (§8(g))COUNTY OF COOK )Second Injury Fund (§8(e)18)X None of the above ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSION ARBITRATION DECISION Case #Employee/Petitioner v.Employer/Respondent An Application for Adjustment of Claim was filed in this matter, and a Notice of Hearing was mailed to each party. The matter was heard by the Honorable

ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF ARBITRATOR DECISION ____________________ Case #Employee/Petitioner____________________Employer/Respondent On 6/17/2011, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Worker’s Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of 0.10% shall accrue from the date listed above to the day before the date of