Truck accidents are often catastrophic and completely disorienting for victims. They may not know what to do after a truck accident to maximize their medical recovery and seek damages from the negligent drivers. Chicago truck accident lawyers can help victims determine their next steps and recover damages.
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Victims Need to Know What to Do After a Truck Accident
Due to their large size, collisions involving commercial truck accidents are catastrophic events. Victims are often left with severe injuries that can leave ttruck accident lawyerhem permanently disabled. These injuries and medical care require significant financial compensation. This is just the beginning of the process truck accident victims face when obtaining compensation for their injuries. Victims may benefit from receiving advice about what to do after a truck accident from a truck accident lawyer.
After a collision, Illinois law prohibits individuals involved in the crash from leaving the scene. Victims should move somewhere safe and contact 911. Calling 911 ensures that police and paramedics arrive and provide emergency care for any injured victims. This also increases the chances of a police report being prepared in a timely manner. Victims should also document a collision, and seek medical treatment. Getting medical help should be the first step on the “What to Do After a Truck Accident” list.
Gathering Evidence and Documenting a Collision
Police reports provide crucial information, such as witness contact information. Police reports also provide information about the identity of the truck driver and the trucking company. Depending on the severity of the collision, some police departments will conduct a forensic investigation and prepare a written accident reconstruction report. The police can also help victims determine what to do after a truck accident in the immediate aftermath.
Sometimes police reports are incorrect or incomplete, which is why victims should obtain the names and contact information for any witnesses to the collision. Victims should also photograph their injuries and the scene of the collision. Specifically, vehicle debris, skid marks, and the vehicles involved should be photographed.
Obtaining Medical Treatment
While some injuries are not readily obvious, truck accident victims should obtain medical treatment at a hospital. Depending on a victim’s injuries, he or she may require additional medical treatment, such as physical therapy. Victims who suffered more severe injuries may require additional treatment from a medical specialist, such as an orthopedist or occupational therapist. Some victims may be unable to work as a result of their injuries and should obtain medical documentation, such as sick slips.
Speaking With Attorney to Build a Case
An experienced truck accident lawyer can provide a realistic evaluation of a truck accident case. A truck accident attorney can advise a victim on how they can get the most out of a truck accident claim. A lawyer can also gather critical evidence such as employment records, drug test results, maintenance records, and travel logs. These records can be used to prove a truck driver’s negligence.
How Much Can Victims Recover After a Truck Accident?
A truck accident attorney can help victims understand what to do after a truck accident. They can also help victims understand what type of damages they may be able to recover. They can also help them determine truck accident liability and who they might be able to sue. The amount of damages is different for each case and usually depends on the severity of the victims’ injuries. However, victims can generally recover damages for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related expenses.
Damages for medical bills are usually straightforward. Victims should be able to show medical bills to prove the amount of damages. However, victims must first reach medical maximum improvement so they can determine the cost of their medical bills without worrying about future medical bills.
Lost wages are usually straightforward as well. However, pain and suffering can be difficult to determine and is subjective in each case. Pain and suffering is one area where a truck accident lawyer may be able to negotiate with insurance companies to get a better settlement offer.
Truck accidents are extremely difficult to deal with. A truck accident attorney can help victims understand what to do after a truck accident and how to recover damages.