What Are the Average Elmiron Lawsuit Settlement Amounts?

Since plaintiffs Patric Guillet and Lynne Osmonda filed the Elmiron class action lawsuit, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, the company behind Elmiron and a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, agreed to pay out an $11 million settlement to cover the 1,500 lawsuits along with a $2,000 payment per claimant, including many individuals residing in Chicago.

Old woman in nursing home sitting in bed using tablet device with female nurse beside her.

Is there a lawsuit for Elmiron eye damage? Elmiron has been the subject of recent class action lawsuits because of its link to multiple cases of eye disease, injuries, and vision loss. The lawsuits claim that long-term use of Elmiron can lead to various conditions affecting the eyes, including general eye disorder and retinal maculopathy, among others.

When to File an Elmiron Products Liability Lawsuit

Many people suffering from cases of interstitial cystitis have taken Elmiron to treat this condition and relieve its symptoms. However, in recent years, patients taking this medication have reported experiencing different types of symptoms involving their eyes, ranging from subtle vision changes to complete blindness.

As a growing number of patients taking Elmiron have reported health issues, many of them have begun to take action in the form of lawsuits suing the drug’s manufacturer, Janssen Pharmaceuticals. 

If you suffer any of the symptoms or injuries that pertain to Elmiron use, you may be able to join a class action lawsuit against Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

Most Common Injuries Associated With Elmiron

There are many injuries that recent lawsuits have connected to Elmiron. These injuries include:

  • Halos in vision
  • Impaired vision
  • Blurred vision
  • Unilateral or bilateral blindness
  • Retinopathy
  • Scotomas (blind spots)

Other potential injuries linked to Elmiron include pigmentary maculopathy, metamorphopsia (distorted vision), and total vision loss.

Side Effects of Using Elmiron

In addition to causing eye conditions and damage, Elmiron may cause side effects as an anticoagulant. 

For example, patients taking Elmiron have reported experiencing hair loss, diarrhea and abdominal pain, itching, skin rashes, and upset stomach. Others have reported psychological changes, including depression and sudden mood changes. 

Additional side effects of Elmiron may include dizziness, headaches, unusual bruising or blood in stool, and discomfort when swallowing.

These side effects, along with the distressing eye damage, have led many patients to seek alternative treatment to replace Elmiron. 

Symptoms of Eye Damage Resulting From Elmiron Use or Exposure

If you suspect that Elmiron has caused injuries to your eyes in any way, there are symptoms to look for that can indicate damage resulting from this medication.

Some symptoms you might experience include blurred vision or dark spots appearing in your vision, along with muted or less vivid colors, and other vision changes that progress over time.

You may also notice difficulty in reading or adjusting to environments with low lighting. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s best to speak with your doctor about potential issues resulting from the use of Elmiron. If you receive a diagnosis of any applicable condition in Elmiron lawsuits, speak with a product liability lawyer about a potential case.

Who Can Qualify for an Elmiron Lawsuit?

If you believe you qualify for an Elmiron lawsuit for vision loss or another related issue, you must receive a formal diagnosis of all relevant conditions. 

Specifically, a qualified medical professional must have diagnosed you with one of the following conditions:

  • Pigmentation maculitis
  • Pigmentation macular degeneration
  • Pigmentation maculopathy
  • Dry macular degeneration
  • Retinal maculopathy

How Much Can You Get for an Elmiron Lawsuit?

The amount of compensation you may recover in an Elmiron product liability lawsuit will depend on the extent of your eye damage or other injuries resulting from the use of this medication. 

Generally, the more extensive the damage, the higher the settlement amount you’ll be able to recover. An attorney with experience handling product liability cases can help you determine the damages you’ve sustained using Elmiron and help calculate a potential settlement amount.

Claimants in these cases may seek compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and other financial losses resulting from the use of Elmiron. Additionally, they may recover compensation for vision loss and impairment, pain and suffering they’ve experienced, and other non-economic damages.

Is There an Elmiron Recall?

Unlike other types of product liability claims, the Elmiron lawsuits have not yet culminated in a recall. Even though the recent cases have found links between Elmiron and eye damage resulting from long-term use, neither the U.S. government nor Janssen Pharmaceuticals have taken action to remove this medication from the market.

Elmiron is one of many medications in recent years to be subject to product liability lawsuits. However, unlike many of these cases, there has never been a recall of this drug, despite the effects that Janssen Pharmaceuticals and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have been aware of for many years.

When the drug first went on the market in 1997, Johnson & Johnson neglected to inform the FDA of its potential side effects and other issues. The FDA only released information about Elmiron’s side effects five years later in 2002. Since then, no party has issued a recall of the drug, despite its dangers.

How a Product Liability Attorney in Chicago May Help

If you have used Elmiron and suffer any of the symptoms or conditions discussed above or have received a formal diagnosis from a doctor, you may be able to build a case against Janssen Pharmaceuticals for damages resulting from the long-term use of Elmiron.

A product liability attorney can meet with you in a free consultation to discuss a prospective case. You can detail your experience as a long-time Elmiron user and any issues you believe relate to the use of this medication. An attorney can also answer any questions you may have, such as “what is an unreasonably dangerous product,” and whether the attorney has worked with other Elmiron patients in lawsuits. You’ll also learn how much compensation you may be able to recover in comparison to the average settlement amount.

Chicago personal injury and workers’ compensation attorney Howard Ankin has a passion for justice and a relentless commitment to defending injured victims throughout the Chicagoland area. With decades of experience achieving justice on behalf of the people of Chicago, Howard has earned a reputation as a proven leader in and out of the courtroom. Respected by peers and clients alike, Howard’s multifaceted approach to the law and empathetic nature have secured him a spot as an influential figure in the Illinois legal system.

Years of Experience: More than 30 years
Illinois Registration Status: Active
Bar & Court Admissions: Illinois State Bar Association, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois
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