In some cases, injured employees may be eligible for both Social Security disability benefits and workers’ compensation benefits as a result of a workplace accident. The Social Security disability and workers’ compensation programs are separate programs, however, so applicants need to file two separate claims.
It is also important to know that, while injured employees are generally entitled to workers’ compensation benefits regardless of who was at fault and the duration of the recovery time, Social Security disability benefits are only available if the medical condition is expected to last more than one year and the applicant is unable to perform any substantial work.
Moreover, if you are eligible for both Social Security disability benefits and workers’ compensation benefits, the amount of your Social Security disability claim may be reduced, or offset, by the amount of your workers’ compensation benefits.
If you suffer from a serious work-related injury, it is highly recommended that you consult with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney like the Chicago workplace accident lawyers at Ankin Law, LLC. We have considerable experience representing injured employees with workers’ compensation claims, Social Security disability claims, and any third-party claims that apply.
Our Chicago disability lawyers will advise you of your rights, discuss eligibility requirements, assist you with your claims applications, and represent you in connection with any lawsuits that you pursue.
If you suffer from a work-related injury, contact the Chicago workplace accident attorneys at (312) 313-1727 to schedule a free consultation to discuss workers’ compensation benefits and Social Security disability benefits.