Category: Press Releases

ADVERSE REACTIONS, EMERGENCY VISITS INVOLVING POPULAR INSOMNIA DRUG ON THE RISE Reactions to the sleep medication zolpidem rose nearly 220 percent between 2005 and 2010 Chicago, IL, May 26, 2013 – In a new report, released on May 1, 2013, The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) presented data showing a dramatic increase

2012 AFL-CIO REPORT SHOWS WORKPLACE SAFTY PROGRESS STAGNATES Advocates concerned by what 2012 AFL-CIO Death on the Job Report Reveals Chicago, IL, May 26, 2013 – We’ve seen a great deal of improvement in workplace safety since the 1970’s, enjoying steady progress, year after year. However, a recent report by the AFL-CIO, shows that progress

TEN WORKERS INJURED IN ILLINOIS FOUNDRY EXPLOSION Three employees hospitalized with critical injuries Granite City, IL, May 26, 2013 – A March, 2013 explosion at the American Steel plant in Granite City, Illinois injured ten workers, three of them critically. The blast at the southwestern Illinois steel castings plant, which produces rail car components and

Did You Know?
  • If you are injured at work you may be able to recover compensation through a workers’ compensation claim as well as by filing a personal injury claim against responsible third parties.
  • A signed liability waiver may not be enough to bar your personal injury claim if willful acts or negligence caused your injuries.
  • Some SSDI claims qualify for expedited processing, allowing claimants to obtain approval in a matter of days or weeks.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 28, 2014 – Noon (CT)   MeTV Media Contact:                                       MBC Media  Contact: Molly Kelly 312.705.2632                                 David Plier 847.612.7888 THE MUSEUM OF BROADCAST COMMUNICATIONS&MeTV NETWORK TO HONOR RICH KOZ • CELEBRATING 35 YEARS AS ‘SVENGOOLIE’ CHICAGO —The Museum of Broadcast Communications (MBC) and the MeTV Networkare proud to honor award-winning television personality Rich

It happens! Youu2019re visiting a friend or a relative and you take a nasty fall and hurt yourself. This is when the question of liability arises and you, as the injured party, wonder if you can recover the costs associated with your injuries from the homeowner or renter. Although you may be hesitant to pursue

Por: Howard Ankin Ankin Law Lawndale News Chicagou2019s Bilingual Newspaperu00a0u2013 NegociosLos accidentes automovilu00edsticos son algo comu00fan y ocurren en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Saber es poder y tener conocimiento por adelantado sobre como manejar el problema de un accidente puede ayudarle a evitar problemas econu00f3micos y legales. P:u00a0u00bfQuu00e9 debo saber si me ocurre

El Abogado Howard Ankin Comparte su Conocimiento del Sistema Legal Por: Ashmar Mandou Lawndale News Chicagou2019s Bilingual Newspaper u2013 NegociosDedicado a mejorar la calidad de vida de muchos residentes que pasan por su oficina, Howard Ankin, de Ankin Law, se alegra de ofrecer resoluciones a circunstancias difu00edciles. Ankin, abogado de tercera generaciu00f3n, dirige un grupo

Lawyer Howard Ankin Shares Knowledge of Legal System By: Ashmar Mandou Lawndale News Chicagou2019s Bilingual Newspaper u2013 BusinessDedicated to improving the quality of life for many residents who walk through his office, Howard Ankin of Ankin Law takes great joy in offering resolutions to tough circumstances. Ankin, a third-generation lawyer, leads a group of attorneys