Category: Blog

Below is some information on hernia workers’ compensation settlements in Illinois. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF COOK ) X Affirm and adopt | Injured Workers’ Benefit Fund (§4(d)) Affirm with changes | Rate Adjustment Fund (§8(g)) Reverse | Second Injury Fund (§8(e)18) | PTD/Fatal denied Modify | X None of the above BEFORE

Below is a copy of an arbitration decision related to degenerative disc disease workers’ compensation settlements. ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSIONNOTICE OF ARBITRATOR DECISION ____________________ Case #Employee/Petitioner____________________Employer/RespondentOn 8/9/2010, an arbitration decision on this case was filed with the Illinois Worker’s Compensation Commission in Chicago, a copy of which is enclosed. If the Commission reviews this award, interest of

Did You Know?
  • If you are injured at work you may be able to recover compensation through a workers’ compensation claim as well as by filing a personal injury claim against responsible third parties.
  • A signed liability waiver may not be enough to bar your personal injury claim if willful acts or negligence caused your injuries.
  • Some SSDI claims qualify for expedited processing, allowing claimants to obtain approval in a matter of days or weeks.

There are several questions to ask a personal injury lawyer after an accident. If you have been injured in a personal injury accident, such as an auto accident, trucking accident or workplace accident, or if you have been the victim of medical malpractice, you are likely hurt, angry and confused. Victims of personal injury accidents may

A needlestick injury can have serious consequences for Chicago and greater Illinois healthcare workers. At Ankin Law, we understand these consequences and want to provide you with the information you need to know about what to do after a needlestick injury. What Is a Needlestick Injury? Needlestick injuries, also called sharps injuries, are a serious problem

In order to receive Social Security Disability benefits, a person must have one of the Social Security disability qualifying conditions. Understanding the guidelines and qualifying conditions can be complicated. A Social Security disability lawyer can help people understand if their conditions qualify. Understanding Social Security Disability Qualifying Conditions Is Difficult To qualify for Social Security

People who are new recipients of social security benefits may need to ask – does Illinois tax Social Security? A Chicago Social Security benefits attorney can help social security recipients understand their rights and obligations. Social Security Benefits Social Security Disability benefits are usually awarded to people cannot perform work with monthly income over $1,070.

Even mild oxygen deprivation at birth may cause severe, life-long conditions and even death. Birth asphyxia, which occurs when a baby’s brain and other organs don’t get enough oxygen before, during, or right after birth, can result in serious, long-term health problems including brain damage. Brain damage at birth from lack of oxygen puts babies