Category: Motor Vehicle Accidents

A tanker truck crash in central Illinois resulted in the deaths of five people and significant damage. The accident, which occurred on U.S. 40 near Teutopolis, happened when another vehicle attempted to pass the chemical-laden tanker. The collision caused the truck to jackknife and spill about half of its 7,500-gallon load of caustic anhydrous ammonia, creating a dangerous plume.
The effects of a truck accident go beyond sustaining severe injuries. You have to work through various legal obstacles to secure the compensation you need to restore order in your life. This situation can leave you wondering, “Do I need a lawyer for a truck accident lawsuit?”
Did You Know?
  • If you are injured at work you may be able to recover compensation through a workers’ compensation claim as well as by filing a personal injury claim against responsible third parties.
  • A signed liability waiver may not be enough to bar your personal injury claim if willful acts or negligence caused your injuries.
  • Some SSDI claims qualify for expedited processing, allowing claimants to obtain approval in a matter of days or weeks.
After a truck accident occurs, victims or their loved ones may have this question: Is the trucking company liable for the actions of its drivers? The trucking company that has employed the driver involved in a truck accident in Illinois can be held liable for the driver’s actions under the respondeat superior doctrine. You can also hold the company directly
Car accident lawsuits often involve a deposition, which entails getting relevant information about the case from all parties involved, including plaintiffs, defendants, and witnesses. A deposition in a car accident case can play a vital role in lawsuits and enable lawyers to build strong cases.
During a Chicago car accident case, you can expect to undergo medical evaluations and treatment while dealing continuously with the insurance companies. Your lawyer can make the case less stressful by managing every stage, including gathering evidence, settlement negotiations with insurance adjusters, and taking your case to trial if necessary. Knowing what to expect during a car accident case can